Sunday, 29 May 2011

The Colours of Friendship

Back to the past...
4th July, 10.30pm
Sekolah Kebangsaan Zainab 2

After the body was made, we gathered around a huge rectangular table where the Wau making instructor taught us how to tie the cloth into the body of the Wau. It was rather difficult as we had to unscrew the locks of the sticks, slide in the cloth and straighten it before screwing the locks back. We had a hands on experience where we had a chance to tie in our own cloth. Next, the instructor taught us how to draw patterns using wax. There was a stove where blocks of wax would be heated. The melted wax would then be put into a special pen where there is a special storage space for the wax. The wax would then come out of a small opening, where you can draw your own patterns. The Wau instructor drew a beautiful collage of flowers and patterns to show us his batik painting skills. The Waus making instructor also taught us how to add on the colours of the painting. Using just 4 simple colours, the instructor was able to colour the beautiful flower collage. "Use your imagination, you can mix or blend the colours to get different shades" the instructor told us. Using just a simple paint brush a 4 colours of paint, the instructor turned the boring and lifeless piece of cloth into a beautiful and lively masterpiece. "Let your paintings stand out, make them feel as though they can talk, make sure your drawings tell a story" the instructor reminded us. "Wow, those flowers are beautiful!!" Louise gasped in awe. 
" Now, you shall try and colour these flowers." the instructor encouraged us. One by one, we all dabbed a bit of paint and start inking our colours on the collage. I painted a small flower of the collage, bright red with a blend in of orange and yellow. I was quite familiar with the painting process as I learn how to paint a Wau in Art Club CCA. Louise painted a little on the edge yellow and a butterfly bluish purple. Smiling at what I did, I took some photos of it. Soon, the whole collage was complete. By Wen Yu

After we had finished making the body of the wau, we watched the instructor draw on another banner using a special pen. The pen had a small storage place for the melted wax to be put in. The wax leaked out slowly and thinly as the instructor brought it all over the banner, leaving beautiful, intricate designs of delicate flowers and leaves. after letting the designs dry, he proceeded to use 4 simple colours of paint to colour in the flowers, leaves and patterns! I took many pictures of the process and...WOW!!!!!! The finished product was amazingly, fantastically, wonderfully, BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gasped. It was so beautiful, it took my breath away(literally). I gazed admiringly at the banner...If only I could draw and paint as good as him!! I walked over to the other banner which was being painted by a few of my friends. I walked over and picked up a paintbrush,dipping it in red. Landing my eyes on a not yet painted flower, I walked over and pressed the paint lightly in the centre of the flower. The batik absorbed it quickly spreading slowly outwards. I washed my brush and dipped it in yellow paint. Pressing the brush on where the the red paint had stopped, I watch it blend and the colour of the flower became a mixture of red, orange and yellow!! Some of my friends also started painting. Not long after, the batik was fully painted!! By Klara

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